Tuesday, 26 June 2012

EDISI : Men are from Mars, women are from Venus

Alhamdulillah masih diberi nikmat Iman dan Islam..
Masih mampu tersenyum dengan gembira..huwhaha..

Xde perkataan yang sesuai selain ucapan.. Alhamdulillah!! sebab berjaya melalui minggu2 yang sangat busy tahap melampau..dimana saat itu, assignment bercambah2..presentation berbunga2..dan test pun mula nak menyebok2..kelas ganti mula nampak full pada waktu malam..projek2 yang mula mengada2 nak perhatian..hahaha..penatnyer..penat sangat2..huu~~

Tapi..pelik..buzi macam mana pun..sempat nak bukak fb..hahahaha..(erk!no comment=P) Namun..kali ni bukan nak cerita pasal tu pun..sebenarnya..nak kongsi satu article ni..

" Men are from Mars and women are from Venus "

Let us imaging that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. One day long ago, the Martian looking through their telescope and discovered the Venusian. They feel awakened feeling that they never feel before and for sure you know that it is love. The love between Martian and Venusian is magical. Although they are from different worlds, they revealed in their differences. They spent months learning about each other included their behavior, preferences and exploring and appreciating their differences needs. Until one day, they decide to fly to the Earth. At the beginning, everything is wonderful and beautiful. But sudden the effects of earth atmosphere took hold and one morning everyone woke up with strange kind of amnesia. Both Martian and Venusian forgot they were from different planet and supposed to be different. Then, everything they had learned about their differences was erased from their memory. That why since that day, men and women have been in conflict.

How this conflict can be continued?? Men and women should be together but how if both of them have their own differences?? So, one of the solution is always remembering our differences. Without the awareness that we are supposed to be different, men and women are odds with each other. We usually became angry or frustrated with our partner because we have forgotten this important truth. Actually, among of us expect our partner to be more like ourselves. We desire them to “want what we want” and “fell the way we feel”. Sometimes, we mistakenly assume that if our partner love us, they will react and behave like we love them. But actually it not true. Men and women are different and the way they love their partner is also very different. If we not notice about this, it actually prevents us from talking the necessary time to communicate lovingly about out differences. Men mistakenly expect women to think, communicate and react way men do. Women mistakenly expect men to feel, communicate and responds the way women do. We always forgot that we are different. As the result, our relationship is filled with conflict. So, the first tip is clearly recognizing and respecting these differences can reduce confusion. When you remember that men from Mars and women are Venus, everything can be explained.

Next, I would like to uncover a secret for girls. Do you that men is actually like rubber band?? It sound weird right? But it truth, men are like rubber band. When they pull away, they will stretch so far before they come springing back. It means they getting close, pulling away and then getting close again. And I believe that most women surprise with this. Even when a man loves women periodically he needs to pull away before he can get closer. So girls, do you noticed that sometimes suddenly a man pull away from you. And most women start misinterpret, they think that the man doesn’t love and care of her because women will pull away from the man for reasons such as the man hurting her feeling and disappointed. but actually the man do so without any reason. Men pull away to fulfill his needs for independence or autonomy. When women does not understand this normal situation, it may be conflict in the relationship. But once men pull away instant he will come springing back to women because he will feel his needs for love and intimacy again. Automatically, he will more motivated to give his love and receive the love he needs. So, for women you should know that when men pulled away from you it doesn’t mean he leave you but he just need time for himself because we all have known that men are like rubber band.

Now, I would like to uncover a secret also for men. Do you know that women are actually like waves?? But why I am said that? Because for a woman, when she feels loved her self-esteem rises and also falls in a waves motion. When she is feeling really good, they will reach a peak. But then suddenly her mood may changes, her waves will crash down. But this crash is temporary, after her mood feel better automatically her waves begin rises back up. So, when a man loves a woman actually she begins to shine with loves and fulfillment. And most men expect that the shine to last forever. But actually it is not like that. At once time, women mood will sudden change and at this time, men will assume that her sudden change of mood depends on their behavior. It like when she is happy he takes credit but when she is unhappy he also feel responsible. But actually women are like waves and every of them have different rhythms in relationship. They change their mood not because the men behavior solely but it is actually a normal cycle in women’s life. So, when this happen, men should not blame himself but try to understand what women’s feel and I’m sure it better and the woman will appreciate you more. So, just remember that women are actually like a wave.

So, for the conclusion, to be the “Perfect Two” is not impossible. As we know  that “ Men are from Mars and women are from Venus” we actually can build our relationship in wonderful forever. The differences between us are not the reasons when a relationship in conflict but there are many reasons why we must respect our differences in relationship, right?? Just appreciate your partner in life. We always want them to complete our life, but for me, to do so we must complete ourselves and accept them completely.

*nota2 kaki : Ni sebenarnya article public speaking untuk subjek effective communication..the facts semua daripada sebuah buku bertajuk ' Men are from Mars women are from Venus" by John Gray..haha..saje jeh share kat sini..berminat baca laa..xnak xpew~ ^^

Tapi akhirnya..berjaya juga menghabiskan semestar 2 ni dengan jayanya..erk!xtahu jaya ke x sebenarnyer..result belum kuar..apepun Alhamdulillah..Allah masih bagi peluang nikmat kehidupan menjadi seorang student..

Salam Mahasiswa Mahasisiwi..

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